Oscar Isaac Reteaming With  ‘Ex Machina’ Director Alex Garland For ‘Annihilation’

Oscar Isaac

by: S. Scott Stanikmas – Senior Staff Writer

Oscar Isaac had one hell of a year in 2015. He started out in the gripping crime-drama A Most Violent Year and ended it with an epic bromance in Star Wars: The Force Awakens. But he danced his way into our hearts as an evil tech genius in Ex Machina. Now Isaac is looking to reteam with Ex Machina writer / director Alex Garland in the filmmaker’s latest project Annihilation.

Author Jeff VanderMeer, the man whose work Garland will be adapting for the big screen, confirmed via Twitter that Oscar Isaac has been added to an already stacked cast that includes Natalie Portman, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Gina Rodriguez and Tessa Thompson.

The book tells the tale of four women who explore Area X, a growing landscape on the fringe of the United States where the laws of physics (and sometimes reality) don’t always apply. What happens there is a twisted step through the looking glass that may or may not include monsters and the supernatural.

The actor will portray Portman’s deceased husband, who plays a major role in why she treks into the unknown.

Annihilation was a really good book. It had me hooked after the first couple pages and I actually got excited when I heard about Garland adapting it. This will be a nice follow up to Ex Machina for him. I’m less excited about the possible sequels. I started the second book over a year ago, got about 3/4 of the way through and still haven’t finished it. Hopefully Garland can make any subsequent films more exciting than their printed counterparts.

No release date has been announced yet, but no matter when they put this out I have a feeling it will be worth the wait.